Montag, 26. Mai 2008

The Beginning

So this is it. BoyPerfection is finally online. I have worked quiet a while to get something like this started and well now its here and I hope that you will enjoy it. This blog is going to host pictures and videos of what I would call: The BoyPerfection. Guys who are more than beautiful. I also hope that this might inspire people to achieve new goals like it did to me. Looking at thoes boys and afterwards saying to myself; One day youll make that helped me to loose more than 40 KG. And now I do look like one of them. ;) So enjoy your strole across my Blog. In a few weeks it is a little fuller then now but well. Theres always a first day to start of.

If you have any news or tipps for me then please write me a Comment or write me a mail. Thanks a lot. :)

Please respect. This is not about porn!!! But about inspiration and motivation.

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