Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2008


After having problems in the team I now decided to just keep this site running and not the own Domain which we had for a short while. I hope you will carry on visiting us. Have fun,

The Editor :)

p.s. New pics to be up by tomorrow.

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2008


Dear Viewers,

Because we have some difficulties here we are and we have for a while now not posted anymore. But this will soon change. In the coming week or at the latest on the 6. July we will progress with post natures beauty ;) Sorry but until then.

Bye xxx

Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008

Sporty Delicious!


Men in skirts. :P Duhhh!

Beautiful Eyes (+.+)


Okay, might say what styl. But when I take a look at this picture I think... Wow !!!

Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008

Absolute Style


I personally think that they do have something really nice about them. :P

Wanda Sykes on Gay Marriage

Okay guys. This is the first feed I got from LightFighter. Seems to be my first fan aswell. So upto now we had some fun looking at nice and hawwwt guys, had a serious clip and now lets have some fun and have a laugh. :P

Ryan Sheckler

Ryan Allen Sheckler was born on the 30th December of 1989 in La Palma California. Ryan is no 18 years old and is a professional skater and the host of the MTV show "Life of Ryan".

Ryan is definatly an idol and a person who inspires and motivates people to reach their goals. And is hawwwt! :)


I must say I really don't like pink that much, but today I am going to make an axeption. :P

Montag, 26. Mai 2008

Blonde Perfection

Is this what you call perfektion? What is your view of perfection? Tell me! ;)

"A kiss...

... means more than a thousand words...

... and the first kiss ist the most special one in the life of a person"

Tips and Hints

Hey boys and guys. I just wanted to say again that if you have any requests or any tipps to make this place a better one then please tell me. :) Thank you.


... is an important lesson which sadly not many humans have ever learnt about. I am happy to say to live in an enviroment where it is nearlly a daily rutine to meet somebody or someone who is either gay or a lesbian. What I did not mention at the start is that I want this blog to be a help not only to get to your dreams or where ever but to FEEL WELL and be PROUD of your self. Now here is a clip from the GayLesbienSoscialEducationNetwork. So if your intressted then check it out. It is actually quiet intressting.

And one more important thing which I would like to tell you all. Be proud and be yourself. Don't hide from yourself.

"If people have a problem with you, it's their problem and not yours to worry about" :)

Kiss me too

This must probably be one of the most famous and world know emo kiss photo which exists. So here it is again. ;)

Hey... Emo Kid!!! :)

Who ever said emos are dark and sad people. Infact they are beautiful and peaceful beings.

Skate the eight...

Now here are a few skaters which are quiet on top!!! :)

A guy named Jay...

The Beginning

So this is it. BoyPerfection is finally online. I have worked quiet a while to get something like this started and well now its here and I hope that you will enjoy it. This blog is going to host pictures and videos of what I would call: The BoyPerfection. Guys who are more than beautiful. I also hope that this might inspire people to achieve new goals like it did to me. Looking at thoes boys and afterwards saying to myself; One day youll make that helped me to loose more than 40 KG. And now I do look like one of them. ;) So enjoy your strole across my Blog. In a few weeks it is a little fuller then now but well. Theres always a first day to start of.

If you have any news or tipps for me then please write me a Comment or write me a mail. Thanks a lot. :)

Please respect. This is not about porn!!! But about inspiration and motivation.